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Trailer Tire Wear Guide

tire under inflateUnder Inflation – Wear on both edges: Under inflation of a tire reduces its tread life by increasing the tread wear on its outside edges, or shoulders. It also generates excessive heat which reduces tire toughness. Finally, it reduces fuel economy through increased rolling resistance because soft tires make your trailer and vehicle work harder. Abnormal tire wear may also be caused by misalignment.
tire over inflateOver Inflation – Wear in the center: When a tire is overinflated, the center of the tread bears most of the load and wears out faster than the outside edges. Uneven wear reduces the useful life of a tire.
Cupping – Cups or dips in the tread: Cupping (also called dipping) is most common on front tires, although rear tires can cup as well. It may be a sign that wheels are out of balance, bearings are loose or that suspension parts are worn out.
tire inside wearInside or Outside Wear: If the edges of your tire tread take on a sawtooth or feathered appearance, it’s because of erratic scrubbing against the road. The solution is an alignment correction. If the inside of the tire is smooth or shows signs of excessive wearing it is likely the result of overloading the trailer.
tire wear center wearCENTER WEAROVER INFLATIONAdjust pressure to particular load per tire catalog.
EDGE WEARUNDER INFLATIONAdjust pressure to particular load per tire catalog.
SIDE WEARLOSS OF CAMBER OR OVERLOADINGMake sure load doesn’t exceed axle rating. Correct is 3/4 – 1 degree positive camber (top of wheel rim 3/16″ further out than bottom.)
tire wear toe wearTOE WEARINCORRECT TOE-INCorrect to-in is 0 – 1/2 degree.
tire wear cuppingCUPPINGOUT OF BALANCECheck bearing adjustment and balance tires.
tire wear flat spotsFLAT SPOTSWHEEL LOCKUP & TIRE SKIDDINGAvoid sudden stops when possible and adjust brakes.

Some wear issues could be from improper tire inflation. Make sure you’re running the proper tire pressure in your trailer tires.

Tire SizeMax P.S.I Cold
4.80×1290 psi
175/85D1350 psi
205/75D1450 psi
205/75D1550 psi
225/75D1565 psi
235/80R1690 psi
235/85R1690 psi

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